Our Education Centers provides supportive,
culturally responsive programs for youth.
Call: (206) 937-7680
Office: 4555 Delridge Way SW Seattle, WA 98106

We know students are more successful when their basic needs are met and they have a safe place to learn. Students work with case managers to identify both academic needs and any additional services they may need, such as mental health services, violence prevention programs, and family support.
Our Education Centers provides a supportive, culturally responsive programs for youth looking to complete their education outside the mainline system. The Education Centers offer a re-engagement program with certified teachers, a GED instructor and academic case managers in partnership with Highline School District.
Our Programs
Parent Child+
The ParentChild+ is a research-based early literacy and school readiness program for primarily immigrant families.
The program focuses on 2- to 4-year-olds and their parents. Trained Early Learning Specialists from the family’s community, come to the home twice weekly over a two-year period with books and educational toys that the families keep. Using these materials, the Specialists team with the parents in exercises to stimulate the development of their young children and empower parents as their children’s first teachers.
SWYFS Specialists speak Amharic, Arabic, English, Somali, and Spanish. The ParentChild+ program is focused on families that live in southwest Seattle, White Center, and the Burien area.
High School Credit Retrieval + GED Preparation
AStudents work with case managers to identify both academic needs and other services to incorporate into their success, such as mental health services, violence prevention programs, and family support. Teachers at the SWYFS Education Centers set high academic standards and create a space where students can succeed in their pursuits and learn and work towards their full potential.
- The High School Re-Entry Program is an academic experience designed to help students ages 16 through 21 reconnect with their education. Our classes focus on core and elective academics and personal development This allows students options as they pursue graduating with a high school diploma.
- Certified teachers instruct students in the four GED testing domains: language arts, math, social students, and science. We also offer Young Parent GED, for youth under 23 who are current or expecting parents that seek to obtain their GED. This program focuses on academic education, parenting education, as well as free on-site childcare for children of GED students.
Education Centers Locations:
- 4555 Delridge Way SW in West Seattle
- 9988 15th Ave SW, Suite E, Seattle, WA 98146 in White Center Square.
Have questions? Contact Amanda Alvarado our Education Center Case Manager at
Summer Young Writers Workshop (The Boot)
This is a 6 to 8 week intensive writing program aimed at helping students find their voice through writing. Students work in poetry, letters, essays, and short stories that are published in The Boot journal. The program concludes with a community reading that showcases the students’ writing and accomplishments throughout the summer. Students earn some high school credit for their work. This workshop would not be possible without funding from the City of Seattle Summer Youth Employment Program and the Department of Early Learning and Education. Applications for the program are accepted at the beginning of April.
Click here to read the 2016 and 2017 copy of The Boot.*
*Please note that The Boot is a collective and unedited work of our students and may include strong language.